The benefits of botox

“If youth knew, old age could,” says the proverb that indicates the regret that people have in the final phase of their lives, knowing that time is running out. Many are resigned, while others do not want to be discouraged and refuse to grow old and seek by all means to curb this old age. Hence the importance of cosmetic surgery, a technique that seems to be a miraculous facelift.

Initially used for the treatment of ocular spasm and strabismus, the injection of botulinum toxin (botox) is particularly effective, after Medicina Estetica Roma, it can hide the folds of the forehead as the wrinkles of the lion and the upper face.

It is therefore not surprising that botox enthusiasts are multiplying fast enough, men or women who want to find a second youth! 

The benefits of botulinum toxin injection

One of the benefits of botox is that it effectively fades facial wrinkles. It is therefore used for aesthetic purposes by men and women of middle age who hope to find a youthful face.

In cosmetic surgery, botox can also soften expression lines and significantly alter the person’s physiognomy. It can stop muscle contractions due to nervousness, thus preventing the creation of new wrinkles and masking the old folds of the face.

Injections are performed at the beauty salon without anesthesia, and in just a few minutes. There is no break time or rest and patients can resume their daily activities normally, only intense physical efforts are to be avoided.

A newfound youth

The effects of the injection are visible after the third or fourth day, during which the wrinkles can disappear or even disappear completely, the complete result in 2 to 3 weeks.

By covering a rejuvenated face, you can regain your self-esteem and feel more comfortable in everyday life, more free to live your life, thanks to botox.

To optimize the results, like all cosmetic surgery operations, it is necessary to repeat the injections once or twice a year according to a schedule established by the beautician-surgeon.

Compared to other wrinkle treatments such as filling, lifting or peeling, Botox injection has the advantage of accelerating the rejuvenation effect. It acts quickly, the disadvantages or contraindications are not numerous.

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