The Story of Deenbandhu

In India, there has never been a shortage of freedom fighters and people dedicated to serving their country. The sons of Mother India have always been committed to her service. Today, we are going to tell the story of Deenbandhu. This story is based on some significant events and well-known anecdotes.

Once upon a time, Deenbandhu engaged in a struggle against the British. He rescued Indian bonded laborers from places like Mauritius and Burma and brought them back to their homeland, India. Because of this, the British always kept a watchful eye on him. Their intelligence agencies closely monitored his activities.

One day, the British sent one of their spies to his house with the intention of gathering information.

The spy entered Chittaranjan Das’s home and engaged in a friendly conversation.

Deenbandhu could sense the spy’s true intentions.

As soon as the clock struck eight, Deenbandhu rose from his seat and said, “Sir, it’s time for my prayers. Would you like to accompany me to my temple?”

The spy expressed his willingness to go with Deenbandhu, and they proceeded to his temple.

The British spy had never seen a temple like this before.

Deenbandhu took him away from the crowded streets and tall buildings to a small rural settlement. There, they arrived at a humble cottage.

The spy was surprised when they knocked on the door.

Inside, an elderly man was operating a fan, and a young boy lay on a cot in a frail condition. Deenbandhu took the fan from the elderly man’s hand and asked him to leave.

The elderly man left the room.

Deenbandhu said to the spy, “This is my temple.”

The elderly man went to work every day to earn a meager living. He managed to earn a few pennies to support his family. The young boy was suffering from a severe illness. That’s why I visit the homes of such needy people to help them. This is my temple, where I serve those in need.”

The spy was astonished and deeply moved by Deenbandhu’s actions. He decided to leave his government job and join Deenbandhu in his mission of social service.

Conclusion: Deenbandhu, meaning “friend of the needy,” is someone who dedicates their life to serving the downtrodden and the suffering. Their sole purpose in life is to serve others, without any selfish motives. India has been blessed with such individuals who have selflessly sacrificed their all for the betterment of society. They are like incarnations of the divine in human form, working solely for the welfare of humanity.

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